I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination – Quote by Jimmy Dean –
For CABS CAR HIRE this is exactly what we decided to do. We are still the same company that has been around for the last 25 years doing business and we need to just make a small adjustment to how we are found on the internet. So www.cabs.co.za has now become www.cabscarhire.com the car hire company that has made many customers happy by providing a great service that can be counted on over and over again for that quick weekend, long vacation, 4×4 trip or team event.
So if you a local South African or a tourist planning a visit? Check out the new site from you mobile, tablet or Laptop and book the car for you next trip.
Cabs car hire thanks all their loyal clients for coming back time and again.